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Exercise Physiology

What you'll learn

Discuss key exercise training principles.

Explain the structure and function of skeletal muscle. Understand the 3 energy systems and how our body converts food to energy. Understand how the cardiorespiratory system functions and is influenced by exercise training. Describe the importance of daily nutrition in exercise performance

  • (2 Rating)
  • Lesson: 2
  • 05:00:00 Hrs
  • Last Updated 01/19/2023

What will i learn??

  • Learn how the body systems work in concert during acute and chronic exercise.

Curriculum for this course Lesson: 2 05:00:00 Hrs

Section 1: Exercise Physiology Lesson

  • Lesson 1: Exercise Physiology02:30:00
  • Lesson 2: Our Body02:30:00


What you'll learn

Discuss key exercise training principles.

Explain the structure and function of skeletal muscle. Understand the 3 energy systems and how our body converts food to energy. Understand how the cardiorespiratory system functions and is influenced by exercise training. Describe the importance of daily nutrition in exercise performance


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Alberto Wood

A good starting point for cycling beginners and specifically for kids, a little lacking with the visuals (stick figure chart :)). Overall a solid course, Good job!


like the pull up technique you are introducing here, but by adding terms like active and passive hang, chest up, how strong to squeeze the bar etc. It would make it more precise, otherwise great material, and is totally free :)

$160.00 $200.00
Includes :
  • 05:00:00 Hrs on demand videos
  • Lesson: 2
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV